Greetings, salutations, and Shalom fellow members!
I hope all of you are doing well.
I suspect many of you are familiar with what’s called a “slow news day,” a term broadcast and print journalists use to describe a time when significant stories are wanting. Right now, in the aftermath of summer camp, which I
reported on last month, our congregation is going through what you might call a “slow news month,” given there is little of note that’s new. Dogged and determined investigative reporter that I am 😊 -- not really -- I do have a few items to share with all of you.
Let’s begin with a couple of reminders, starting with L’Chaim:
This Sunday, on Augst 27, from 3:30 – 7:00 pm, the congregation will join together with the entire Napa community to celebrate a day of Jewish tradition, embodied in our food, wine, music, and learning. If you attended last year, you know how special this event is, so I suggest you purchase tickets now to take advantage of our early-bird discounts.
Another reminder: religious school began this past Sunday, August 20th, so please email Marah at for more info and to register.
And lastly, the high holidays are upon us, beginning on Saturday September 9th with Selichot, so plan to celebrate at CBS at 6 PM with Rabbi Niles and Gordon for the service followed by dessert.
Here is the schedule for all High Holy Day services through Yom Kippur. All services will be streamed with the exception of those designated below:
Friday, September 15th at 6:30pm, Erev Rosh Hashanah; services in the sanctuary with Rabbi Niles Goldstein and Gordon Lustig.
Saturday, September 16th, Rosh Hashanah:
Family Services at 9am-10am
Youth Program at 10:15am, not streamed; registration separate
General Worship Service at 10:30am-12:30pm
Sunday, September 17th at 10:30am, Tashlich at Kennedy Park
Sunday, September 17th at 3:00pm, Kever Avot at Ner Tamid Cemetery with Rabbi Niles Goldstein
Sunday, September 24th at 6:30pm, Kol Nidre, services in the sanctuary with Rabbi Niles Goldstein and Gordon Lustig
Monday, September 25th, Yom Kippur
Family Services at 9am-10am
Youth Program at 10:15am, not streamed - registration separate
General Worship Service at 10:30am-12:30pm
Healing Service at 3:00pm, not streamed and led by Rabbinic Intern Art Grand
Mincha/Afternoon Service at 4:00pm
Yizkor /Neilah Service at 5:00pm
Break Fast hors d'oeuvres at 6:30pm
I look forward to seeing all of you at L’Chaim, if not before, and, of course, during High Holy Days. Until then, stay cool in this heat! B’ Shalom,
Congregation Beth Shalom Napa Valley 1455 Elm Street Napa, CA 94559