Conrey Library
“Welcome In” to the CBS Conrey Library!
One of the many perks of being a CBS member is having our wonderful synagogue Library, located just off the sanctuary. The Library Committee has recently re-organized all the shelves to make finding the perfect book very user-friendly. Our collection includes adult books on Jewish philosophy, lifecycle events, holidays and fiction. There is always at least one copy of the Soul Sisters book club selection there. We also have a wonderful collection of children’s books, including books from the PJ Library series, presenting subjects encompassing Jewish values, music and humor in stories for children of all ages.
You can browse the Library whenever the synagogue is open for services, programs and classes. You can also come to the synagogue on Tuesdays from 10 AM to noon and 1 PM- 3 PM when our administrators, Amy Silk or Liz Popp can escort you to the Library and provide help as needed. There is a simple, self- check-out procedure, including an “honor system” so you can keep the books of your choice as long as you like.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Library Committee Chair Henni Cohen at
Come check out the CBS Conrey Library and check-out some great Jewish books!
Photo courtesy Janna Waldinger/Art&Clarity
Learn how to receive free children's books from PJ Library.
Rabbi Goldstein has written 10 books! See our "Did You Know?" flyer to find out more!
The Conrey Library at CBS opened in November 2014. The library's purpose is to provide a beautiful space for research, reference, recreational reading, and exploring, experiencing, and studying Judaism, Jewish heritage and Israel; open to all.
The Conrey Library has approximately 2000 titles including books for children through seniors, covering topics such as history, biographies, novels, philosophy, religion, spirituality, Tanach, Torah, prayer, lifecycles, holidays, language including Hebrew, art and music, literature, cookbooks, and Israel. Library materials are available in a variety of formats including print, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and cassettes to encourage full access to the extensive range of Jewish thought, history and culture. CBS historical scrapbooks, albums and event videos are also available.
The Library inventory was cataloged electronically using a customized Dewey Decimal Classification System based on Jewish subjects and topics by volunteer librarian Lynn Michalski and others. This was accomplished via Surpass software through a generous grant by the former B’nai B’rith Napa Lodge 1652. Currently, Congregation Beth Shalom members may check out library materials on a 3-week basis by following the check-out procedures posted in the library. The Conrey Library at CBS is in the process of being linked to the Jewish Community Library San Francisco, a program of Jewish LearningWorks website.
Financial support through donations to the Library Fund is gratefully accepted in honor or in memory of a loved one. These donations help us upgrade and integrate technology as well as improve our collection.