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Bikkur Cholim = Lotsa Helping Hands

Chair: Deb Bloomberg  

When CBS has members who are not well and in need of medical and spiritual attention, we use a website, overseen by this committee, that was developed to make it easier for our caring community to stay in touch and take action for those in need. 

Building and Grounds Committee 

Chair: Roy Barush  

Building and Grounds oversees and maintains the synagogue building and surroundings.  This committee is also responsible for preparing the building for all worship services, meetings, educational, cultural and community events. 

Campus Enhancement Committee 

Chair: Ellyn Elson 

Cemetery (Ner Tamid) Committee 

Chair: Phyllis Kleid 

The Ner Tamid Jewish Community Cemetery enables Jews and their immediate families to purchase burial plots in the Napa Valley. For more information, please see the "What's New" section of the St. Helena Cemetery web site: 

Display Committee 

Co-Chairs: Lauran Posner & Sally Besser 

The Display committee is responsible for making decisions and subjects, content and objects that are displayed in the lobby cases of the Synagogue. It also covers sales and acquisitions. 

Fundraising Committee 


Fundraising is essential to ensure the financial health of the Synagogue. The committee is responsible for creating engaging programs and events each year. 

Human Resources Committee 


Human resources are an essential part of any organization that has employees. It ensures fair hiring and workplace practices as well as assuming responsibility for hires, terminations and employee reviews.  

Investment Oversight Committee 

The Investment Oversight Committee will be responsible for investing the funds contributed to the Endowment and Legacy Funds. These funds are being established to help provide perpetual income to meet future needs of our CBS Jewish Community. The Legacy Fund provides an opportunity for the Jewish community to establish a bequest to CBS. 

Kitchen Committee 

Chair: Sandi Hyman  

This committee has the responsibility to oversee the kitchen, ensure supplies are available and sound food handling practices are used by all who use the space. 

Library Committee 

Chair: Carla Del Porto 

The library committee oversees the Conrey Library at Congregation Beth Shalom.  They are responsible for the acquisition and processing of new and current books as well as the technology used there and maintenance of the library.  

Mishpocha Task Force 

Co-chairs: Lara Shumer & Naomi Petrick 

Our children are one of the basic tenets of Judaism. This task force works with CBS staff to support engagement opportunities for families with young children and focus on Jewish values and community outreach. 

Membership Committee

Chair: Nancy Goldstein

Membership recruits' new members to the congregation. The committee is responsible for outreach into the wider community and developing programs to encourage new membership for CBS. 

Oneg Committee  

Chair: WendyEllen Cochran 

Standing together as a community to recite the prayers for the Kiddush and the Hamotzi makes Shabbat all the more special. The Oneg Committee coordinates the schedule for individual members to host an oneg to celebrate or commemorate a special occasion. The Oneg Guidelines and the Kashrut Policy can be accessed from the links below: 

Oneg Guidelines     Kashrut Policy 

Pool Committee 

Chair: Roberta Solomon 

The CBS pool in partnership with Makai Swim School is open to all CBS members. This committee coordinates CBS activities with those of Makai Swim School. 

Ritual Committee 

Chair: Howard Eisenstark 

This committee coordinates all aspects of worship for the Congregation, including the purchase and maintenance of all items used in the worship services. 

Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784