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High Holy Days Youth Programming

High Holy Days Youth Programming

While children are of course welcome to attend the High Holy Days general worship services, we are also offering Youth Programming for kids in grades K-7 during these services for parents who feel that their children are not yet ready to attend the general worship services.  The programming will be offered during the general worship service for both Rosh Hashanah (Thursday October 3rd from 10:30 am-11:30 pm) and Yom Kippur (Saturday October 12th from 10:30 am-11:30 pm).  Drop-off opens at 10:15 in the admin building.  We will take the children to the sanctuary near the end of the general worship service and will have them reunite with their families at that point.

Youth Programming is not available during Erev Rosh Hashanah services, Taschlich, Kol Nidre, the Yom Kippur Healing Service, or the Mincha Service.

Please note that the Youth Programming is only available for adults who will be attending services at CBS in person.  You, or another adult whom you trust with your children, must be on CBS property while your child is participating in the Youth Programming.

If you have any questions, please email Marah.  Please register your child(ren) for the Youth Programming for the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur general worship services below!

Please give us your name and contact information below.
This is a confirmation email address.
Child 1's First Name
Child 1's Last Name
Child 1's Grade
Child 2's First Name
Child 2's Last Name
Child 2's Grade
Child 3's First Name
Child 3's Last Name
Child 3's Grade
Child 4's First Name
Child 4's Last Name
Child 4's Grade
If any of your children have any allergies or other medical information which we should know, please mention that here.
Thu, October 10 2024 8 Tishrei 5785